Who I Am

As sometimes happens in life, you may be hitting a bump in the road which is keeping you from living life to the fullest. You may be feeling that you are not being your best self. Or you may be experiencing some disturbing feelings and behavior about past sexual, emotional and/or physical abuse or other traumatic events which are interfering with your living life to its fullest.  I can help you on the road from survivor to thriver.

I offer you experienced, safe and supportive personal coaching.  You are helped to get back on track to a peaceful and joyous place in life. You can also learn skills to help yourself in the future. I, too, am a survivor/thriver of sexual abuse. My experiences have given me the strong desire to help other survivors heal.

I also offer relationship coaching for you and your significant other, if you wish.  Many of my couple clients like our talks together to help them learn communication and conflict skills   Since coming to Florida I have married over 700 couples in the last 12 years as a spiritually based non-denomination minister. I have been able to help many of them with pre-martial, marriage and relating to each other issues. Many of us are lacking role modeling and education in areas of communication and conflict resolution and need to be taught these very important skills.

I can also help you with Hypnosis to resolve many issues like low self esteem, various fears, anxiety and other emotional issues.

 Experience and Qualifications

I have a Master’s in Social Work from Temple University and had a fulfilling practice in the Philadelphia area for 20 plus years as a licensed Clinical Social Worker providing therapy for individuals, couples and groups. Since coming to Sarasota, Florida, I have served as a Life Coach.  Many of my clients have suffered unhealed trauma and through our sessions have been able to go forward with their happier lives.

I am also a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist.


I have written a book “Me, Too!  Child and Adult Sexual Abuse and Prevention”.  You can learn all about the book on the website:


The “Me, Too” movement has taken the protective cover off of the pervasiveness of sexual abuse of both children and adults. From the book, you will have greater awareness of this devastating problem as well as being offered remedies and effective prevention steps. Education is the first step on the journey to prevention.  I am happy to have the skills and knowledge to address sexual abuse issues.

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